+603-6273 5828 / +603 6274 0388


Reliable Brands

FHM Equipment is a BRAND you can trust. We ensure customers enjoy the best quality from us.

Top Quality

We RECONDITIONED the machines to achieve its TOP PERFORMANCE. We always want our machines to perform better!

Costs efficiency and low maintenance costs

We cap our machines costs reasonably low and come with great performance to allow customers to INCREASE ITS PRODUCTIVITY. Unlike others, machines from FHM Equipment have little problems due to strict Quality Control over all machines upon delivery.

Good After-Sales Service

No worries for machines from FHM Equipment. Warranty is provided. If needed, we will immediately send our technicians over to solve your problems.

Experienced Technicians

Most of our technicians working with us have more than 20 years of experience in repairing and maintenance of heavy machinery.